3 or More3 Or More If You Can Afford It

Mighty Monster
Big Shoes
You Snooze You Lose
Hey Baby
Riot City
Emma Dreaming
You Can't Touch Me
No Such Thing As Magic

» Available on iTunes

Mighty MonsterMighty Monster - Single

Mighty Monster

» Available on iTunes

For, Nikette FrehleyFor, Nikette Frehley

Something's Going Down
Me, Not Humphrey At 23
Hellos, Goodbyes
In Your Shadow
In the Park
Hey Hey
Another Day
Shallow Grave
Nikette's Dream
The Same Difference

Ugly In The MorningUgly In The Morning

East of Freedom
On and On
Wooden Dog
Pastor Pete
A Week
Stupid 'A' Song


Rock In Asia (Album Cover)Rock In Asia
A groundbreaking collection of original rock songs from Japan, China, Singapore, India and other Asian lands.

Featured Artists: Ugly In The Morning, Zettaimu, Seven Collar T-Shirt, Ocean Band, Microwave, Typecast, Pete Teo, Adenosine Tri Phosphate, Pentagram, ST12, Old Kings, Rita Lestariani, Swackhammer, Suzuki Band, Names Are For Tombstones, Hang Tian, Curtis King Band.

PLAYspeak (Album Cover)PLAYspeak
A compilation of the new wave of music Big Brother will not tell you about. 13 original songs in various languages in the "CD Extra" format (Flash Player required).

Featured Artists: Ugly In The Morning, Killer Soap, LGF, Victor, Sajid And The Lost Boys, ah5ive, Masquer, La'Dies, Crazimalz, The Dreaming Punk, In Each Hand A Cutlass, Jeremy Fernando And The Enigmatic Army.

For Good! (Album Cover)For Good!
Unreleased material from 14 bands! All proceeds go to Music For Good, a charity helping disadvantaged children and youths-at-risk through a variety of music programs.

Featured Artists: Ugly In The Morning, The Observatory, Camra, Stoned Revivals, Electrico, MUON, B-Quartet, Lunarin, TypeWriter, Elise, Astreal, Phorous, The Love Experiment, Documentary In Amber.

Smells Like Indie Spirit, Vol. One (Album Cover)Smells Like Indie Spirit, Vol. One
A compilation of 30 explosive songs from the hottest local acts. Included in Lime Magazine (March 08 Issue).

Featured Artists: Ugly In The Morning, Allura, Astroninja, Bad Obsession, B-Quartet, Caracal, Destroy All Monsters, Flybar, Meza Virs, Oshiego, Peepshow, The Jabs, The Full Pledge Munkees, Summer's Over, West Grand Boulevard, and more.

Official Lyric Music Video

» Watch Mighty Monster on YouTube